Monday, February 21, 2011

Making Money Web

Google has gotten a lot of attention for the launch of One Pass, the all-in-one subscription plan for publishers that the search giant revealed earlier today — primarily because it made for a nice counterpoint to Apple’s new in-app subscription system, which launched on Tuesday. While Apple’s offering is closed and takes a big chunk of the revenue from publishers, Google’s takes a much smaller cut — and because it’s based on the web and not on controlling access to a walled garden, Google’s system is much more open. That said, however, it’s not at all clear that publishers will get anywhere by signing up for it, open or not.

The main benefits of Google’s plan are fairly obvious: It doesn’t force publishers to provide the company with preferential access to their customers, the way Apple does by requiring in-app purchasing for all subscription services, and Google is taking only 10 percent of the revenue any publishers bring in via its payment system, while Apple takes 30 percent of all subscription fees. On top of that, as MG Siegler notes, the One Pass system provides publishers with access to information about those who sign up — names, email addresses, zip codes and so on — which is crucial data that content companies use to market their services to advertisers. Apple turns this option off by default, and users have to opt in.

That’s the good news. The bad news? Google’s One Pass is pretty much just a warmed-over content paywall. All it does is collect the money for publishers who want to put up a toll-booth around their content. In fact, the thing it resembles the most — as Josh Benton of the Nieman Journalism Lab notes — is the Journalism Online Press+ system that entrepreneur Steven Brill and former Wall Street Journal executive Gordon Crovitz have been peddling to newspapers and magazines for the past year or more, without much success.

Like that system, Google’s service is essentially designed to handle the payment processing for multiple subscription sites, so users can theoretically sign up for dozens without worrying about being nickel-and-dimed by each one. There’s just one problem: There’s no sign that users have any interest in doing this — or at least, not in large enough numbers to make it work for anyone other than perhaps The Economist and the Wall Street Journal. Those who have put up new paywalls, including The Times of London, have seen the vast majority of their readers disappear into the wind.

One of the reasons users of Apple products like the iPhone and the iPad seem a lot more willing to pay for things like apps is because the experience is so much better and paying is so easy. Despite that, magazine and newspaper publishers have have had little success so far in getting people to pay for their apps. Why would it be any easier with Google’s One Pass? If anything, it’s likely to be even harder, because it’s based on the open web — and users are likely to notice that free content is all around them, while iPhone and iPad apps do a fairly good job of disguising that fact.

So congratulations to Google for making some hay with its launch, but any publisher who sees One Pass as some kind of golden ticket is dreaming in Technicolor.

Related GigaOM Pro content (sub req’d):

  • How Media Companies Can Compete Online

  • Demand Media — Search Spam or the Future of Content?

  • Google Needs to Fix Its Spam Problem Even If It Hurts

Post and thumbnail courtesy of Flickr user David Kozlowski

Why The Arguments That The Huffington Post Must Pay Bloggers Is Misguided: Payment Isn't Just Money

from the you-made-the-choice dept

We didn't mention the whole AOL buying Huffington Post story earlier this week, because there just didn't seem to be that much to say about it. It was an interesting deal, to be sure, and I'll be curious to watch what AOL does with the property, but, beyond that, it seemed like just another content acquisition deal. However, almost immediately after the deal went through, I started seeing some rumblings on Twitter, picking at the scab that has always annoyed a certain group of people about The Huffington Post: that it doesn't pay most of its writers. Sure enough, it didn't take long for this issue to start to spread, with the inevitable summary line of: "Hey, HuffPo became famous because all these people worked for free, and yet, they don't get a cut of the sale."

That story is now snowballing. Dan Gilmor wrote a blog post arguing that it was the "ethical" thing to do to start paying bloggers. Douglas Ruskoff said that he'd no longer blog on the site for free. And, of course, a bunch of cranky HuffPo contributors have created a whole campaign arguing that Arianna Huffington had no right to sell the site, since it was built off of their free labor.

They're all wrong.

Of course, we've been through this before. Five years ago, Nick Carr tried to argue that all the various big Web 2.0 sites like (at the time) Digg, YouTube and MySpace were really digital sharecroppers exploiting labor. As we argued at the time, this was hogwash. People were using those sites because they provided a valuable service. The reason they provided labor was because they got something of value in return -- whether it was attention or hosting or distribution or reputation.

Three years ago, we saw an almost identical controversy after AOL bought Bebo and musician Billy Bragg demanded some of the $850 million AOL paid (in retrospect, a massively bad decision). Bragg argued that Bebo made this money based on all of the "free labor" of musicians who used the site. But that ignored the fact that those musicians got tremendous value in using the Bebo platform to connect with fans and distribute their music... all for free. The folks who got to keep the money were the ones who took the actual risk. The ones who had to cover the expenses to keep the site and the service running, even when it wasn't making enough revenue. They took the risk, they should get the reward. The people who used the site did so of their own free will knowing quite well that the benefit they got from using the service was worth it to them at the time. Along those lines, if Bebo had struggled and faced bankruptcy instead of a massive buyout, would Bragg have felt obligated to give them money to keep it going? Similarly, if HuffPo had been running out of money, and Arianna had gone back and demanded that those who used the platform pay up retroactively, how would these people have reacted?

There are more ways to "get paid" than with money.

The reason that people chose to blog for free at the Huffington Post was because it's a fantastic platform for exposure. It brings traffic like no one else out there, and if you want to present something in a way that's likely to get more attention than on your own blog that no one visits, posting at HuffPo can be quite a good way to go.

And that's the point: the people who chose -- of their own free will -- to post at the Huffington Post for free did so because they clearly got value out of doing so. Otherwise, why would they have done so in the first place? To then say that the only proper thing is to pay them is completely missing the point. It's an attempt to retroactively go back and change the terms of a deal. If you wanted to get paid directly for what you write, fine, don't write for the Huffington Post. It's that simple. Go out and pitch your stories to publishers who pay freelancers. But don't go back and complain afterwards when the folks who actually did take the risk of putting together the site, financing it, organizing it, hiring the staff, buying the servers, paying for the bandwidth, and building it up so that it was such a successful platform, then get paid for their efforts.

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Some Genes Like It Hot - Science <b>News</b>

Home / News / Article. Some genes like it hot. Regional DNA differences may be due to climate. By Laura Sanders. Web edition : Saturday, February 19th, 2011. font_down � font_up Text Size. WASHINGTON — You are where you live, ...

Samsung announces five NX camera system lenses: Digital <b>...</b>

Samsung announces five NX camera system lenses: Samsung has announced five lenses for its NX interchangeable camera system. The latest range includes a 16mm F2.4 pancake, 85mm f/1.4, 16-80mm and new versions of its 60mm f/2.8 macro with ...

AOL, Google, The <b>News</b>, &amp; I

Almost everyone uses Google to find out more about news that's happening right now, whether it's tech industry stuff, celebrity breakups, or political revolutions. Unfortunately, the rules Google uses to determine which websites gain ...

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Making Money With Website

Subscription Porn Site SLAPPed Down After Suing RedTube For Undermining Its Business Model

from the competing-isn't-undermining dept

We've joked in the past about how many of the complaints we see from companies about new, more innovative competitors, is that they somehow represent "felony interference of a business model." Some companies, it seems, like to believe that if they have a successful business model, any new competitor that changes the market around must be doing so illegally. Eric Goldman points us to just such a lawsuit in California, where the proprietor of a subscription based porn website sued RedTube, one of many, many porn-focused free streaming video sites, and many of RedTube's advertisers, arguing unfair competition. Basically, the argument was that by setting up a website and offering these porn videos for free, while making money on the advertising, RedTube was effectively "dumping" its product on the market below cost in order to harm the market and make money elsewhere.

RedTube, in response, filed an anti-SLAPP claim, saying that the lawsuit sought to silence RedTube exercising its First Amendment rights of speech. While a lower court mostly agreed, it did leave open one small piece of the unfair competition claim, related to the issue of the claim that someone at RedTube's parent company signed up for the plaintiff's subscription website, downloaded the videos, and posted them on RedTube. However, the California state appeals court rejects the lower court's argument, and agrees that even this claim should be tossed out, because it's only unfair competition if the plaintiff can show that he has, in fact, lost money or property as a result of the unfair competition. Since the plaintiff was unable to do so, the court ruled that this claim got tossed out too (though, if true, you do wonder if there might be a copyright issue -- which does not appear to have been raised here).

On the overall point of underpricing the market unfairly, the court points out how silly this is, noting that giving away free content in exchange for advertising is a business model that's been around for ages, and is hardly a form of unfair competition:

If Bright's business model sounds familiar it's because it's the business model
typical of broadcast radio and television stations in the United States not to mention
thousands of local newspapers and, more recently, tens of thousands of Internet websites
including Youtube, CNN and Video.Yahoo.

The court also points out, in its opening, that business models change, and companies need to keep up -- and they shouldn't expect the law to keep their old business models in place:

In the 21st century, businesses of all kinds are having to adapt to a constantly
changing commercial landscape. The business that the parties describe as the "adult
entertainment" industry is no exception. Websites that originally made their money by
offering such material on a subscription or pay-per-view basis are being replaced by
"tube" websites which offer their content for free and make their money through

There's also an interesting discussion over whether or not RedTube qualifies for SLAPP protections, as the site's content must involve the "furtherance of their right of free speech on a public issue." The plaintiff said that his complaint had nothing to do with stopping speech, but from the "anti-competitive conduct." The court notes that even publishing videos of porn online is conduct in the furtherance of speech and, in fact, that there is a "substantial public interest in the kind of sexually explicit videos shown on tube-sites such as Redtube." That's one way to put it.

The final point that seemed worth discussing on this is just how silly some "anti-competitive" behavior laws and rulings can be. Part of the plaintiff's argument here was to bring up a bit of caselaw involving two competing San Fransisco tourist cruises, where one firm got in trouble for selling tickets below cost, even though the firm made it up elsewhere. The court rejects this, by claiming that the earlier ruling doesn't apply here because RedTube "does not sell two separate products." That seems silly to me, and if anything really just highlights the problem with the original court ruling about using the tickets as a loss leader. If you read the ruling this way, you get a nonsensical result: giving away the videos for free would be legal, but charging a penny for them could suddenly be seen as unfair competition, because now it would be "selling" two separate products. Bundling multiple products, such that some are given away free or cheaply in the interest of a larger business model should never be seen as anti-competitive on its own. While I agree with the outcome, it seemed like this was the most confused part of the court's ruling, in that it tapdanced around what was, basically, a really bad ruling. The real issue should be to get rid of any rule that says such kinds of bundles are against the law in the first place.

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Facebook’s do-gooder application Causes is donating $10 to charity for every purchase from participating florists ahead of Valentines Day.

This campaign marks the first time Causes has tapped into retailing to raise money for charity, and it’s made possible through partnership with Trialpay and ProFlowers, among other florists.

When purchasing a bouquet from participating florists, you get to choose among five different charities to receive the $10 donation: Keep the Arts in Public Schools, Prem Rewat, National Parks Conservation, Invisible Children and Campaign for Cancer Prevention. The offer kicked in today and lasts until February 15.

We dig altruism and like the general idea but wish it were executed differently — like aiming for a different holiday, retail category and price point. Making the donation a flat $10, compared to the price of a bouquet seems a bit unweildy and — well, it’s steep and likely to get passed on to the buyer.

In what many people call a mixed economy, flowers are one of those categories that unfortunately might succumb to individuals’ budget cutting. Maybe that’s why  the leading florist, FTD, which isn’t participating in the project, is currently touting savings of up to 25 percent on its website, just in time for Valentine’s Day.

What do you think about this admirably-intentioned campaign?

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Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

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Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

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Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Miguel Marquez Beaten In Bahrain: ABC <b>News</b> Correspondent Attacked <b>...</b>

Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Miguel Marquez Beaten In Bahrain: ABC <b>News</b> Correspondent Attacked <b>...</b>

Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Miguel Marquez Beaten In Bahrain: ABC <b>News</b> Correspondent Attacked <b>...</b>

Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Miguel Marquez Beaten In Bahrain: ABC <b>News</b> Correspondent Attacked <b>...</b>

Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

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Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

Yahoo! Marketing, Tech and Management in the <b>News</b> | Yahoo <b>...</b>

A trio of stories from across the globe shows Yahoo!'s leadership.

Miguel Marquez Beaten In Bahrain: ABC <b>News</b> Correspondent Attacked <b>...</b>

Riots have rocked the Arab world for weeks now, and attacks on Western journalists reporting from the midst of the fray have been rampant. Reporting from Bahrain's Pearl Square in the capital city of Manama today, ABC News Correspondent ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Money Secrets

Image via Wikipedia | There’s a Wide Wide World Out There…Are You Going to Take It?


Every woman and man alive want’s success. Some fetishise it with cash. Some a fast car. Materialism on the Internet is ubiquitous, yet, are WE missing the point. Is true success; contentment at all levels of your life simply right before US? Yes. This quick guide, from the world’s luckiest man, tells you how to attain true perfection.

1. Stop Blaming the World

Envy is green. It’s greener than that grass you are gazing on right across your neighbour’s fence. Today, try just once to focus on yourself. Do you have something that no one else has? I do. I was born in the right place and at the right time in history. Come and join me and stop looking outside at others for solutions. What is your unique strength?

Facebook finally put out a press release on PR Newswire officially setting the record straight on $1.5 billion in funding. The overseas clientele of Goldman Sachs bought $1 billion, and the bank plus Digital Sky Technologies together invested another $500 million.

The blogosphere will doubtlessly explode with posts about why and how the numbers seem to have changed from what was originally reported by The New York Times on January 2. I don’t think the size of the deal selling to Goldman’s clientele shrank from $1.5 billion to $1 billion because of U.S. investors got shut out of the deal, although that’s a clever idea.

I think the discrepancy more likely has to do with the nature of off-the-record scoops, like the one that started the media frenzy in the first place.  Rarely do the early leaks of secrets ever turn out to be accurate. Don’t mistake this as dissing any of the previous coverage of $500 million in direct investment and $1.5 billion from Goldman clientele. Like the release says, Facebook chose to limit the overseas offering to $1 billion, after the bank offered the choice of a range from $375 million to $1.5 billion.

The release consists of one straightforward factual paragraph, a quote from Facebook Chief Financial Officer David Ebersman and then a set of four questions and answers about the deal — all of it appears below, except for the boilerplate at the tail end. The fact that this official statement came out today indicates that the deal has closed. Read on for the release:

Facebook Raises $1.5 Billion

Facebook Receives $1 Billion from Goldman Sachs Overseas Offering; Digital Sky Technologies and Goldman Sachs Also Recently Made $500 Million Direct Investment

Investment Values Facebook at $50 Billion

PALO ALTO, Calif., Jan. 21, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Facebook today announced it has raised U.S.$1.5 billion at a valuation of approximately $50 billion.

The transaction consisted of two parts. Today, Goldman Sachs completed an oversubscribed offering to its non-U.S. clients in a fund that invested $1 billion in Facebook Class A common stock. In December, Digital Sky Technologies (DST), The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., and funds managed by Goldman Sachs invested $500 million in Facebook Class A common stock at the same valuation.

“Our business continues to perform well, and we are pleased to be able to bolster our cash position with this new financing,” said David Ebersman, Facebook’s chief financial officer. “With this investment completed, we now have greater financial flexibility to explore whatever opportunities lie ahead.”

The investment generated a significant number of questions from interested parties and Facebook has addressed the most common ones below.

Why did Facebook raise this money?

DST and Goldman Sachs approached Facebook to express their interest in making an investment, and Facebook decided it was an attractive opportunity to bolster its cash reserves and increase its financial flexibility with limited dilution to existing shareholders.

Why did Facebook choose to raise $1 billion in the overseas offering?

Under the transaction’s terms, Facebook had the option to accept between $375 million and $1.5 billion from the Goldman Sachs overseas offering, at the discretion of Facebook. While the offering was oversubscribed, Facebook made a business decision to limit the offering to $1 billion.

What are Facebook’s plans for the proceeds of this transaction?

There are no immediate plans for these funds. Facebook will continue investing to build and expand its operations.

Does this investment mean that Facebook will have more than 500 shareholders?

Even before the investment from Goldman Sachs, Facebook had expected to pass 500 shareholders at some point in 2011, and therefore expects to start filing public financial reports no later than April 30, 2012.

It’s great to see that the social network will indeed begin making financial disclosures to the public by the end of April; and the release doesn’t say anything about whether or when an  initial public offering might happen.

Why do you think the total size of the transaction changed from the originally reported $1.5 billion coming from overseas clients of Goldman Sachs to the currently announced $1 billion?

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

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CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted in Egypt | Fancast <b>News</b>

Shocking details have been released regarding the incident involving CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan during the protests in Egypt. CBS News issued a statement Tuesday revealing that Logan is currentl in the.

Weekly Search &amp; Social <b>News</b>: 02/15/2011 | Search Engine Journal

Hello and welcome back to '7 Days of Search and Social'. Another week, another drama. While I've not looked historically to past years, one does have to wonder.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Moms Making Money

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Les Brown 2009 Usana  Convention by SueCarveth

bench craft company

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

OtterBox debuts Utility Series Latch for iPad | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the OtterBox debuts Utility Series Latch for iPad. Find more iPad Accessories news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

bench craft company

Les Brown 2009 Usana  Convention by SueCarveth

bench craft company

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

OtterBox debuts Utility Series Latch for iPad | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the OtterBox debuts Utility Series Latch for iPad. Find more iPad Accessories news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

bench craft company

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

OtterBox debuts Utility Series Latch for iPad | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the OtterBox debuts Utility Series Latch for iPad. Find more iPad Accessories news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

bench craft company

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

OtterBox debuts Utility Series Latch for iPad | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the OtterBox debuts Utility Series Latch for iPad. Find more iPad Accessories news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

bench craft company bench craft company
bench craft company

Les Brown 2009 Usana  Convention by SueCarveth

bench craft company
bench craft company

Scripting <b>News</b>: Why Twitter is so valuable

It's the prototype for the news system of the future. Under competent management with a longer-term view and deep experience with news, Twitter would sweep the whole news landscape into its domain. To have almost exclusive control of ...

OtterBox debuts Utility Series Latch for iPad | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the OtterBox debuts Utility Series Latch for iPad. Find more iPad Accessories news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

bench craft company

So you have a great bit of knowledge or a great product and you know you have valuable information, but no one else does. Save for Aunt Sofie and her creepy kitties. Well, you can get the attention you deserve.

*Comment in similar (even vaguely so both moms? Interesting article?- Comment!) blogs. Now before you start acting like a Spam bot, wait a sec. In most blogs (scroll down mine for an example) you have an option of including an website address linked through your name. Use it.

Although, I want to add in here, don't post something like Great article! Take a moment to type a heartfelt response that shows you actually read the content.

*Make your content count. Posting useful things that people will need really is the tried and true way to get ahead, and get yourself / your site seen.

*Don't pay for search engine submission. Don't Do It. Your site will be picked up when they crawl it. It makes no sense to pay for something that will happen for free. Most of these sites will charge you an arm and a leg (Anywhere between $250 - $5,000).

*Write like crazy. Post often, post non stop. Keep it up and keep typing. Don't go on a bunch of sabbaticals right off the bat. Eventually you can take a few here and there, but for now - post a lot, and often.

Consider This:

Blogging?! What should I blog my interests?!?! (I've been asked this with just as much implied indignation.)

Prints and art (as with our last example) should be updated quite a bit, so there is the option of blogging about your art with inline pictures. This method by far is not limited to art, blogging is by far my favorite way to keep my sites up, running, and profitable. It's also the easiest, requiring little more than an internet connection.

Notquitecookiecutter.comhas everyday posts and inline pictures of my artwork. In that one I try most of the time to keep the art related to the post and be sure it adds something to it. I primarily use to updates easily my newest art and prints. I also post up a couple of how to's with examples and my press releases.

The basics from this point are really simple, NQCC is for fun, grabbing new fans and profit and updates for fans, family, and whomever wants to read it. It's updated daily, and I try to keep a good mix of business, fun, and seriousness.

Nixxd on the other hand is more of an online scrapbook. It doesn't get updates nearly as regularly, but is very on topic. I use it for customers and sales directives.

Although I know coding like the back of my hand, getting a new page written, uploaded and looking right is a royal pain. It's also not something everybody can do simply and on the cheap.

Blogs however have so many options and anyone at all can use them. You can also spend as much or as little as you need.

I've heard of people spending thousand, me on my websites (or at least a couple of them)? Ten dollars, only for the domain!

By no means do you even have to do that. You can just as simply start and maintain a blog for free on a hosted service and keep that up for a while and build up your base.

Before I close this out, I do want to give another tip - BLOG every day! Blog as much as you can, especially at first. You more than likely won't start getting anyone visiting until you have a few posts!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit.

Ouch! Fox <b>News</b> Reporter &amp; Camera Man Return From Egypt In Bad <b>...</b>

To say the least! These poor guys! Fox News reporter Greg Palkot and cameraman Olaf Wiig, who were brutally beaten while attempting to cover the ongoing unrest in Egypt, appeared on Fox News...

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday. ypettywi details:   hello! cheap

Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit.

Ouch! Fox <b>News</b> Reporter &amp; Camera Man Return From Egypt In Bad <b>...</b>

To say the least! These poor guys! Fox News reporter Greg Palkot and cameraman Olaf Wiig, who were brutally beaten while attempting to cover the ongoing unrest in Egypt, appeared on Fox News...

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit.

Ouch! Fox <b>News</b> Reporter &amp; Camera Man Return From Egypt In Bad <b>...</b>

To say the least! These poor guys! Fox News reporter Greg Palkot and cameraman Olaf Wiig, who were brutally beaten while attempting to cover the ongoing unrest in Egypt, appeared on Fox News...

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

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Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit.

Ouch! Fox <b>News</b> Reporter &amp; Camera Man Return From Egypt In Bad <b>...</b>

To say the least! These poor guys! Fox News reporter Greg Palkot and cameraman Olaf Wiig, who were brutally beaten while attempting to cover the ongoing unrest in Egypt, appeared on Fox News...

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.">buy

Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit.

Ouch! Fox <b>News</b> Reporter &amp; Camera Man Return From Egypt In Bad <b>...</b>

To say the least! These poor guys! Fox News reporter Greg Palkot and cameraman Olaf Wiig, who were brutally beaten while attempting to cover the ongoing unrest in Egypt, appeared on Fox News...

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit.

Ouch! Fox <b>News</b> Reporter &amp; Camera Man Return From Egypt In Bad <b>...</b>

To say the least! These poor guys! Fox News reporter Greg Palkot and cameraman Olaf Wiig, who were brutally beaten while attempting to cover the ongoing unrest in Egypt, appeared on Fox News...

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.">buy

Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit.

Ouch! Fox <b>News</b> Reporter &amp; Camera Man Return From Egypt In Bad <b>...</b>

To say the least! These poor guys! Fox News reporter Greg Palkot and cameraman Olaf Wiig, who were brutally beaten while attempting to cover the ongoing unrest in Egypt, appeared on Fox News...

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday."></a>

Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit.

Ouch! Fox <b>News</b> Reporter &amp; Camera Man Return From Egypt In Bad <b>...</b>

To say the least! These poor guys! Fox News reporter Greg Palkot and cameraman Olaf Wiig, who were brutally beaten while attempting to cover the ongoing unrest in Egypt, appeared on Fox News...

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.">buy

Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit.

Ouch! Fox <b>News</b> Reporter &amp; Camera Man Return From Egypt In Bad <b>...</b>

To say the least! These poor guys! Fox News reporter Greg Palkot and cameraman Olaf Wiig, who were brutally beaten while attempting to cover the ongoing unrest in Egypt, appeared on Fox News...

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday."></a>

Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit.

Ouch! Fox <b>News</b> Reporter &amp; Camera Man Return From Egypt In Bad <b>...</b>

To say the least! These poor guys! Fox News reporter Greg Palkot and cameraman Olaf Wiig, who were brutally beaten while attempting to cover the ongoing unrest in Egypt, appeared on Fox News...

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.